Census 2001 data
Archive of 2001 census aggregate data for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb platform. -
Census 1991 data
Archive of 1991 census aggregate data for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb (https://casweb.ukdataservice.ac.uk) platform. -
Census 1981 data
Archive of 1981 census aggregate data for England, Wales and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb (https://casweb.ukdataservice.ac.uk) platform. -
Country of birth 2011
Dataset population: Persons Country of birth Country of birth is the country in which a person was born. This topic records whether the person was born in or if they were not... -
National identity 2011
Dataset population: Persons National identity A person's national identity is a self-determined assessment of their own identity with respect to the country or countries with... -
Country of birth (UK harmonised) 2011
Dataset population: Persons Country of birth (UK harmonised) Country of birth is the country in which a person was born. This topic records whether the person was born in or...