Age 2011
Dataset population: Persons/Years Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth that imply... -
Tenure 2011
Dataset population: Persons/Households Tenure Tenure provides information about whether a household rents or owns the accommodation that it occupies and, if rented, combines... -
Age by Economic activity 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 and over Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth... -
Usual resident population 2011
Dataset population: Persons in households/Schoolchild or full-time student aged 4 and over at their non-term-time address/Persons in communal establishments/Households/Communal... -
Age by Highest level of qualification 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 and over Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth... -
Age by Sex 2011
Dataset population: Persons Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth that imply an age... -
General health 2011
Dataset population: Persons General health General health is a self-assessment of a person's general state of health. People were asked to assess whether their health was very... -
Age by NS-SeC (National Statistics Socio-economic Classification) 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 to 74 Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth... -
Long-term health problem or disability 2011
Dataset population: Persons Long-term health problem or disability A long-term health problem or disability that limits a person's day-to-day activities and has lasted or is... -
Age by Economic activity by Occupation by Sex 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last... -
Sex 2011
Dataset population: Persons Sex The classification of a person as either male or female. -
Ethnic group (detailed for England and Wales) 2011
Dataset population: Persons Ethnic group (detailed) Ethnic group classifies people according to their own perceived ethnic group and cultural background. For Northern... -
Religion (Great Britain) 2011
Dataset population: Persons Religion This is a person's current religion, or if the person does not have a religion, 'No religion'. No determination is made about whether a... -
Age by Economic activity by Industry 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 to 74 in employment the week before the census Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last... -
Country of birth 2011
Dataset population: Persons Country of birth Country of birth is the country in which a person was born. This topic records whether the person was born in or if they were not... -
Age by Long-term health problem or disability 2011
Dataset population: Persons Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth that imply an age... -
Number of adults in household 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 18 to 64 in households Number of adults in household This derived variable provides a count of the number of employed adults in a household.... -
Accommodation type (Persons) 2011
Dataset population: Persons in households Accommodation type The type of accommodation used or available for use by an individual household. Examples include the whole of a... -
Age by Hours worked 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last... -
Age of students 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 and over Age of students Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011....