Census 2001 data
Archive of 2001 census aggregate data for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb platform. -
Census 1991 data
Archive of 1991 census aggregate data for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb (https://casweb.ukdataservice.ac.uk) platform. -
Census 1981 data
Archive of 1981 census aggregate data for England, Wales and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb (https://casweb.ukdataservice.ac.uk) platform. -
Census 1971 data
Archive of 1971 census aggregate data for England, Wales and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb (https://casweb.ukdataservice.ac.uk) platform. -
Tenure (Elderly Household Reference Persons) 2011
Dataset population: Households with Household Reference Persons aged 65 and over Tenure Tenure provides information about whether a household rents or owns the accommodation... -
Age by Household composition by Sex (England and Wales) 2011
Dataset population: Persons in households Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth that... -
Age by Household composition by Sex (Great Britain) 2011
Dataset population: Persons in households Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth that... -
Age by Occupation by Tenure of Household Reference Persons (Middle Super Outp...
Dataset population: Household Reference Persons aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's... -
Age by National Statistics Socio-economic Classification by Tenure (Household...
Dataset population: Household Reference Persons Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth... -
Age by General health by Long-term health problem or disability by Position i...
Dataset population: Persons in communal establishments Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates... -
Age by Economic activity by Student accommodation (Great Britain) 2011
Dataset population: Full-time students aged 16 and over Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates... -
Number of bedrooms by Occupation by Tenure (Household Reference Persons) (Mid...
Dataset population: Household Reference Persons aged 16 and over in employment the week before the census Household Reference Person The concept of a Household Reference Person... -
Age by Age of youngest dependent child by Household type by Sex (England and ...
Dataset population: Parents aged 16 and over in households Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011.... -
Residence type (Armed Forces) (Local Authorities in England and Wales) 2011
Dataset population: Persons aged 16 and over employed in the Armed Forces Armed Forces Members of Armed Forces in England and Wales and related topics. Residence type This... -
Household size by Number of people who can speak Welsh (Middle Super Output A...
Dataset population: Households with residents aged 3 and over who can speak Welsh Household size The size of a household is equal to the number of usual residents in the... -
Accommodation type by Car or van availability by Number of usual residents ag...
Dataset population: Households Accommodation type The type of accommodation used or available for use by an individual household. Examples include the whole of a terraced... -
Age by General health by Sex by Tenure (Middle Super Output Areas in England ...
Dataset population: Persons in households Age Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27 March 2011. Dates of birth... -
Age by Economic activity by Tenure (Household Reference Persons) (Northern Ir...
Dataset population: Household Reference Persons aged 16 and over/Households containing Household Reference Persons aged 16 and over Age of HRP Age is derived from the date of... -
Adult lifestage (alternative adult definition) by Age by Household type by Se...
Dataset population: Persons in households Adult lifestage Adults aged between 16 and 54 are classified by age, by the presence of dependent children in the household, and (in... -
Age by Tenure (Household Reference Persons) (Northern Ireland and Wards and E...
Dataset population: Household Reference Persons aged 16 to 74 Age of HRP Age is derived from the date of birth question and is a person's age at their last birthday, at 27...