Census 2001 data
Archive of 2001 census aggregate data for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb platform. -
Census 1991 data
Archive of 1991 census aggregate data for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as made available originally on the Casweb (https://casweb.ukdataservice.ac.uk) platform. -
Residence type 2011
Dataset population: Persons/Communal establishments Residence type This defines the type of residence that a person lives in. It categorises people as living in a household or... -
Communal establishment management and type (structures) 2011
Dataset population: Communal establishments Communal establishments A communal establishment is an establishment providing managed residential accommodation. 'Managed' in this... -
Communal establishment management and type (residents) 2011
Dataset population: Residents in communal establishments Communal establishments A communal establishment is an establishment providing managed residential accommodation....