Accommodation type by Tenure (Households in Scotland) 2011

Dataset population: Households

Accommodation type

The type of accommodation used or available for use by an individual household. Examples include the whole of a terraced house, or a flat in a purpose-built block of flats.


Tenure provides information about whether a household rents or owns the accommodation that it occupies and, if rented, combines this with information about the type of landlord who owns or manages the accommodation.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 20, 2022, 17:12 (BST)
Created September 20, 2022, 16:58 (BST)
Visibility Public
Year 2011
Topics Accommodation and housing
Units Households
Geographic Layer Census Data Zones
Census Intermediate Zones
Census Wards
Council Areas
Output Areas
Frequency Decennial
Citation Office for National Statistics; National Records of Scotland; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; UK Data Service. DOI:
Geographical Coverage Location Scotland
Granularity Country level down to Output Areas
Geographic Spatial data {"geo_type": "multipolygon", "lat": "57.7424", "lon": "-4.69059", "left": "-8.61537", "top": "60.8457", "right": "-0.765806", "bottom": "54.639", "srid": null, "accuracy": null, "source": null}