Scotland's Census 2022 - UV101a - Usual resident population by sex by age (20 categories)

This dataset provides Census 2022 estimates for the Usual resident population (residence type) by sex and age (in 20 categories) in Scotland.


A person's age on Census Day, 20 March 2022. Infants aged under 1 year are classified as 0 years of age.


This is the sex recorded by the person completing the census. The options were "Female" and "Male". Guidance on answering the question can be found here

Residence type

This defines the type of residence a person lives in. It categories people as living in households or living in a communal establishment.

The quality assurance report can be found here

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated May 29, 2024, 16:34 (BST)
Created May 22, 2024, 16:35 (BST)
Visibility Public
Year 2022
Topics Demography
Units Persons
Geographic Layer Census Wards
Council Areas
Local Authorities
Local Health Boards
Westminster Parliamentary Constituencies
Frequency Decennial
Citation Office for National Statistics; National Records of Scotland; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; UK Data Service. DOI:
Geographical Coverage Location Scotland
Granularity Country level down to electoral wards
Geographic Spatial data {"geo_type": "multipolygon", "lat": "57.7424", "lon": "-4.69059", "left": "-8.61537", "top": "60.8457", "right": "-0.765806", "bottom": "54.639", "srid": null, "accuracy": null, "source": null}