This dataset provides Census 2022 estimates for Trans Status or History (7 Groups) by Age (15 Groups) in Scotland.
Scotland’s Census included a new question on trans status or history in 2022. This means there is not comparable data for previous censuses.
The question was “Do you consider yourself to be trans, or have a trans history?”. People were asked to tick “No” or “Yes”. People who ticked “Yes” were asked to describe their trans status (for example, non-binary, trans man, trans woman).
Transgender or trans is a term used to describe people whose gender is not the same as the sex they were assigned at birth.
This was a voluntary question for people aged 16 and over.
A person's age on Census Day, 20 March 2022. Infants aged under 1 year are classified as 0 years of age.
The quality assurance report can be found here