UK 2011 census Postcode Headcounts and Households (including Deprivation Ranks for individual Lower Super Output Areas and Data Zones)

Please note that Deprivation Ranks are released at Lower Super Output Area/Data Zone level and are not for each individual postcode.

The first resource below provides a list of all 2011 census frozen postcodes across the UK as well as the:

  • Postcode's location in the UK (British National Grid, Irish Grid, Latitude-Longitude)
  • Total persons recorded in that postcode
  • Female or male breakdown of the postcode
  • Number of occupied households in that postcode
  • The Lower Super Output Area or Data Zone in which the postcode resides
  • The Output Area or Small Area in which the postcode resides
  • The Output Area's Classification:
    • OAC Supergroup (codes and names)
    • OAC Group (codes and names)
    • OAC Subgroups (codes and names)
  • The Deprivation Ranks of the LSOA/DZ:
    • 2014 Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (WIMD) Rank for 2011 LSOAs
    • 2015 English Index of Multiple Deprivation (EIMD) Score, Rank and Decile for 2011 LSOAs
    • 2016 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) Rank for 2011 Data Zones
    • 2017 Northern Irish Multiple Deprivation Measures (NIMDM) Rank for SOAs
    • Townsend Deprivation Index score and quintile of LSOAs and Data Zones
    • Townsend Deprivation Index score and quintile of Output Areas and Small Areas

Suppressed postcodes in Northern Ireland

For confidentiality reasons, counts were suppressed for postcodes that had less than 10 usual residents and had only 1, 2 or 3 households in them.

The Registrar General took steps to ensure that the confidentiality of respondents was fully protected. Accordingly, all published results from the 2011 Census (including those relating to Postcodes) were subject to statistical processes to ensure that individuals could not be identified. For these postcodes, averages were taken at Postcode District level and released in a separate table, which can be found below.

Missing postcodes

These postcodes are based upon the sets of enumeration postcodes provided by the three UK census agencies. Enumeration postcodes are a subset of the complete set of live postcodes at the time of the 2011 Census. These are aggregated to create census output areas, which are themselves aggregated to create most other census geographies.

Only postcodes with at least one resident person are included. Many postcodes, such as those assigned to businesses, don't have any resident populations and so won't appear in the table.

Postcodes are quite volatile; new postcodes are created and old ones are terminated regularly. Existing/live postcodes can also change through the addition or removal of delivery points. The ONSPD records all live and terminated postcodes. Each postcode has a date of introduction and, if relevant, a date of termination. Things are complicated further because postcodes can be re-used, so a postcode can be terminated and then reappear with a new date of introduction, replacing/removing the record for the previous instance of the postcode. Postcodes that weren't current at the time of the census also won't appear in the table.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated September 20, 2022, 17:12 (BST)
Created September 20, 2022, 16:58 (BST)
Visibility Public
Year 2011
Topics Accommodation and housing
Units Households
Geographic Layer Census Data Zones
Lower Super Output Areas
Output Areas
Small Areas
Super Output Areas
Frequency Irregularly
Citation Office for National Statistics; National Records of Scotland; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency; UK Data Service. DOI:
Geographical Coverage Location UK
Granularity Lower Super Output Areas and Data Zones down to Postcodes
Geographic Spatial data {"geo_type": "multipolygon", "lat": "55.4099", "lon": "-3.4263", "left": "-8.61537", "top": "60.8457", "right": "1.76277", "bottom": "49.9742", "srid": null, "accuracy": null, "source": null}